Warranty – what are InStyle LED’s sales terms & conditions?
How long is your standard warranty?
Items in our interior LED range are supplied with a 3-year warranty for all non-IP products.
Our IP65/IP67 range (splashproof/waterproof LED products) are supplied with a 2-year warranty.
For other components, our warranty periods are listed below:
- InStyle’s range of INpower LED power supplies are supplied with a 5-year warranty.
- InStyle’s range of LED receivers are supplied with a 5-year warranty.
- InStyle’s range of LED dimmers & controllers are supplied with a 5-year warranty.
- All other standard products – i.e., downlights, groundlights, etc – are supplied with a 2-year warranty.
- Any non-standard or bespoke product (e.g., non-INpower drivers ordered in as part of a bespoke order, or bespoke LED strips for a custome order) will be supplied with a 1-year warranty.
We supply only high-quality commercial-grade products, manufactured using premium components that are built to last. This includes all of our products – from our LED tape range, through our LED power supplies, to our big selection of LED controllers and dimmers. Which is why we can confidently offer an across-the-board 2-year warranty on all our standard in-house components and units.
Every one of our products is fully tested. And we’ve performed regular quality checks on each item we supply for over 10 years. So we trust you’ll never need to use our warranty.
Do you offer warranty extensions?
Yes we do. Our sales staff can advise on the terms and conditions we offer. If you would like to extend the standard warranty on your order, please discuss with them before your purchase.
What are the conditions of the warranty?
InStyle LED offer a ‘back to site’ warranty. This means you should return your items to our office address if you suspect them to be faulty. Please follow our warranty procedure at the bottom of this page.
Alternatively, you can re-order and pay for replacement goods. Once we’ve confirmed the product is faulty, we’ll refund the cost of your re-order as well as the cost of postage both ways . (In the event there is no fault, the customer will have to pay to receive the goods back again.)

Can the warranty be voided?
Yes it can. Our warranty will be void if you do not follow InStyle’s wiring diagrams and installation advice. (Our website includes standard wiring configurations.) Installing our products in conjunction with products from other suppliers will also void our warranty.
For example: if the customer uses a 24v transformer to power 12v LED strip lights and the LED tape is damaged, then the customer’s warranty is void.
For more details, see our sales terms & conditions.
When does the warranty start?
The warranty begins from your invoice date, and lasts for 2 calendar years.
What if you no longer stock the goods I purchased?
If we no longer stock the original goods, InStyle will replace your faulty product with an equivalent or better one.
Warranty Procedure
Step 1:
Contact InStyle LED to discuss your suspected fault. If there’s a problem with wiring or other installation issues, our staff can often help you solve it.
If the suspected fault can’t be resolved, the InStyle staff member will give you a ‘returns number’. Please include our staff member’s name when you dispatch the goods.
Step 3:
Please return your packaged goods to
Step 4:
InStyle will phone or email you to confirm receipt. If the goods are found to be faulty in line with our warranty, we will send out a replacement for next-day delivery.